Friday, August 10, 2012

Get Out of the Rut and Start YOUR Journey to Healthy Living!

In a Fitness Rut?

Ruts are easy to fall into and comfortable to stay in. Staying in a rut for a long time can be detrimental to your health depending on what type of rut your are in. Hopefully this post will help to get you out of that fitness rut if you are in one. Please feel free to comment, suggest, or tell your success story below :-D

Start Your Way to a Consistent Exercise Routine with a Plan!

The first step to a consistent exercise routine is having a plan. If you have struggled with having a consistent routine in the past, a detailed plan may help you stay on track longer this time.
Your Plan should consists of :
Knowing your ideal workout routine (The recommendation for exercise is 30 minutes of moderate activity 5-7 days a week or 20 minutes of vigorous activity 3 days a week). Come up with what you ultimately want your routine consistency to look like and work you way to it.
Think of the best days and time of day you will be more likely to work out. For example if you are not a morning person then don't plan to wake up an hour early to work out because more than likely it will not happen.
Plan out the types of activities you will do each workout day. You can print off a free calendar and post it in a place you will see daily, set reminders in your phone, etc. Write out on each day what you will do and how much time you will spend doing it.
Tell someone or more than one person about your fitness goals. This will hold you accountable to do what you say you will do.
FIND MOTIVATION! Its important to know why you are doing what you are doing and be to be reminded of that frequently. Examples of ideas for motivation are listed below:
-Read your bible/pray for strength
-Sign up for a race around your area
-Join a weight loss group
- Create a weight loss challenge
- Join a exercise class or classes
- Hire a trainer
- Find a workout partner
- Find someone who is trying to get healthy and hold one another accountable
- Try on your swim suit!
- Make a goal to fit in smaller clothes you have in your closet
- Make a weight loss chart or post your goal weight
- Create a vision board
- Think of your workout as your stress medicine

*I will add sample beginners workout routines to the blog later*
Good luck with your plan! You can do it!!!!!

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