Juice Recipes

Strawberry, Mango, Blueberry Smoothie

Okay Guys, so I know it is the beginning of Fall but I still have to get a smoothie or two out of my system before moving on to the warmer drinks and colder days. 


1.5 Cup Frozen Sliced Strawberries 
1/2 Cup 
Frozen Blueberries 1/2 Cup 
Frozen Mango Chunks 
2 Tbs Cane Sugar 
1.5 Cup Water 
(As long as you have FROZEN fruit, no ice is needed) :)

You will need a food processor. I used my Ninja.

Blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Makes about 24 oz.
240 Calories

Throw a straw in the center and slurp! :D
Thanks Guys! Here's To Happy Living :)

 Simple Veggie Juice
 (The color of the drink has little to do with the taste)

1 Leaf of Romain Lettuce 
2 Large Carrots
1 Large Orange (Adding the orange sweetens the drink)

Great eaten with a light crunchy snack

Simple Morning Refresher


1 Large Orange
2 Medium Apples
1-2 Strawberries

Cucumber Madness Juice


1 large cucumber (1/2 juiced and 1/2 to be ate)
2 cups of red grapes
1/2 head of spinach
2 kiwis

Jenn and I came up with this drink tonight and it was a hit! 1/2 The cucumber is to be eaten with the drink. Filling and Very Tasty :) 


  1. Would this be a snack or a replacement for a meal?

  2. It would be a Snack or a drink with a light snack


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