Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Put on Your Walking Shoes and LETS GO!

Benefits of Walking and Getting Started
Benefits of walking
 Walking along with other physical activity has numerous health benefits. A regular walking routine can help with the following:

- Improving mood
- Managing stress
- Decreasing depression 
- Lowering LDL (bad colesterol) 
- Raising HDL (good cholesterol)
- Managing or Decrease weight
- Lowering blood pressure
- Reducing the risk of or manage diabetes

All it takes to reap these numerous benefits is a routine of brisk walking. It doesn't get much simpler than that. And you can forget the "no pain, no gain" talk. Research shows that regular, brisk walking can reduce the risk of heart attack by the same amount as more vigorous exercise, such as jogging (Mayoclinic.com).

Getting started
Remember to start slow
You will want to work your way into the routine to get your body use to moving more. Easing your way into the routine and slowly building up over time will also help reduce muscle soreness. 
First walk as fast and as far as you find comforatable. If you only last a few minutes, then let that be your starting point. 
Continue to increase your walking time weekly, eventually working your way up to walking most days of the week 30-60 minutes.  

Keep track of your progress

Pedometer (used to track steps throughout day)
Fairly inexpensive at Walmart and Target

Phone/Device App - Nike +, Mapmyrun, Runkeeper

Keeping track of your progress will help motivate you by seeing your success. Keep track of steps, time, and distance throughout the week and compare. This will also help you to continuously challenge yourself.
Record these numbers in a walking journal you create for yourself or use your computer to track on a spreadsheet. Another option is using electronic devices such as: pedometer, phone app, websites, etc.
- Websites for tracking activity - chosemyplate.gov, sparkpeople.com


Stay Motivated!
There are numerous ways to help you stay motivated. Find what works for you and stick with it. Things to try:
Change walking routes - Walk on different trails or even meet a friend in a nearby city and walk with them.
Focus on having time alone - Chose a safe route and take time to self reflect, meditate, or pray on your walk.
New Tunes - Add new songs and playlist to your listening device regularly.
Join a walking group - Joining a group will help hold you accountable for walking. The more support you have from friends and family... the better!

Ready for tomorrows workout after coming across this quote. Lets Go!

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